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dict can be parsed into dataclass according to the following rules:

  • dict must contain all required fields of the dataclass. Otherwise, an error will be raised.

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from valtypes import parse_json
    class Foo:
        a: int
        b: str
    parse_json(Foo, {"a": 1, "b": "2"})  # Foo(a=1, b='2')
    parse_json(Foo, {"a": 1})  # raises exception group with valtypes.error.parsing.dataclass.MissingField
  • dict values are parsed to the corresponding field types. If parsing fails, an error will be raised.

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from valtypes import parse_json
    class Foo:
        a: int
        b: str
    parse_json(Foo, {"a": 1, "b": "2"})  # Foo(a=1, b='2')
    parse_json(Foo, {"a": 1, "b": 2})  # raises exception group with valtypes.error.parsing.WrongType
  • dict might not contain optional fields (those that have a default or a default factory). In this case, the default (or default factory) will be used.

    from dataclasses import dataclass, field
    from valtypes import parse_json
    class Foo:
        a: int = field(default_factory=int)
        b: int = field(default=1)
        c: int = 2
    parse_json(Foo, {"a": 3, "c": 5})  # Foo(a=3, b=1, c=5)
    parse_json(Foo, {"b": 4})  # Foo(a=0, b=4, c=2)
  • dict doesn't have to contain fields that are not included to the __init__ method.

    from dataclasses import dataclass, field
    from valtypes import parse_json
    class Foo:
        a: int = field(init=False, default=1)
        b: int
    parse_json(Foo, {"b": 2})  # Foo(a=1, b=2)
    parse_json(Foo, {"a": 0, "b": 2})  # Foo(a=1, b=2)
  • If the dataclass doesn't have a __init__ method at all, an error will be raised.

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from valtypes import parse_json
    class Foo:
        a: int
        b: int
    parse_json(Foo, {"a": 1, "b": 2})  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.NoParser
  • dict doesn't have to contain ClassVar fields.

    from typing import ClassVar
    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from valtypes import parse_json
    class Foo:
        a: ClassVar[int]
        b: int
    parse_json(Foo, {"b": 2})  # Foo(b=2)
  • dict must contain InitVar fields.

    from dataclasses import dataclass, InitVar
    from valtypes import parse_json
    class Foo:
        a: InitVar[int]
        b: int
        def __post_init__(self, a: int) -> None:
            self._a = a
    parse_json(Foo, {"a": 1, "b": 2})  # Foo(b=2)
    parse_json(Foo, {"b": 2})  # raises exception group with valtypes.error.parsing.dataclass.MissingField
  • dict can contain fields that are not defined in the dataclass. They will be ignored.

Valtypes doesn't stop parsing after the first error. It collects all errors and raises them as an exception group.

from dataclasses import dataclass

from valtypes import parse_json

class Foo:
    a: int
    b: str
    c: str

parse_json(Foo, {"a": "1", "c": 3})
| valtypes.error.parsing.dataclass.Composite: dataclass parsing error (3 sub-exceptions)
+-+---------------- 1 ----------------
  | valtypes.error.parsing.dataclass.WrongFieldValue: can't parse field 'a' (1 sub-exception)
  +-+---------------- 1 ----------------
    | valtypes.error.parsing.generic.WrongType: not an instance of int
  +---------------- 2 ----------------
  | valtypes.error.parsing.dataclass.MissingField: required field 'b' is missing
  +---------------- 3 ----------------
  | valtypes.error.parsing.dataclass.WrongFieldValue: can't parse field 'c' (1 sub-exception)
  +-+---------------- 1 ----------------
    | valtypes.error.parsing.generic.WrongType: not an instance of str

(Traceback omitted)

Built-in types

When trying to parse a value to some built-in type (int, float, str, bytes, bytearray or object), valtypes checks if the value is an instance of that type. And if it is, the value will be returned as is. Otherwise, an error will be raised.

from valtypes import parse_json

parse_json(int, 1)  # 1
parse_json(int, "1")  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.generic.WrongType

Subclasses of built-in types

When trying to parse a value to subclass of a built-in type (int, float, str, bytes or bytearray), valtypes first tries to parse the value to the base type and then passes the result to the constructor of the original type to get an instance of it.

from valtypes import parse_json

class Foo(int):

parse_json(Foo, 1)  # Foo(1)
parse_json(Foo, "1")  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.generic.WrongType

Built-in generic types

When trying to parse a value to some built-in generic type (list, tuple, set, frozenset or dict), valtypes checks if the value is an instance of that type, then it parses all the elements to the type specified in the generic arguments. If the value is not an instance of that type or parsing of some element fails, an error will be raised.

from valtypes import parse_json

parse_json(list[int], [1, 2, 3])  # [1, 2, 3]
parse_json(list[int], [1, "2", 3])  # raises exception group with valtypes.error.parsing.generic.WrongType

Valtypes doesn't stop parsing after the first error. It collects all errors and raises them as an exception group.

from valtypes import parse_json

parse_json(list[float], [True, 2., "3"])
| valtypes.error.parsing.sequence.Composite: sequence parsing error (2 sub-exceptions)
+-+---------------- 1 ----------------
  | valtypes.error.parsing.sequence.WrongItem: can't parse item at index 0 (1 sub-exception)
  +-+---------------- 1 ----------------
    | valtypes.error.parsing.generic.WrongType: not an instance of float
  +---------------- 2 ----------------
  | valtypes.error.parsing.sequence.WrongItem: can't parse item at index 2 (1 sub-exception)
  +-+---------------- 1 ----------------
    | valtypes.error.parsing.generic.WrongType: not an instance of float

(Traceback omitted)