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These types are subclasses of built-in list type with some constraints on it.


Type with special __init_hook__ method which is called on instantiation. It is not intended to be used without other hooks, because it does not guarantee that the list won't be modified later in the program.

from valtypes.type.list import InitHook
from valtypes.error.parsing import Base as ParsingError

class EvenNumbers(InitHook[int]):
    def __init_hook__(self) -> None:
        if any(n % 2 for n in self):
            raise ParsingError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} can't contain odd numbers")

EvenNumbers([2, 4, 6])  # passes
EvenNumbers([2, 3, 6])  # raises ParsingError


The code above does not keep the list from being modified after instantiation. It can still contain odd numbers. If you want to prevent that, you can use immutable types like tuple instead.


Type with special __length_hook__ method which is called whenever the length of a list is going to change. Calling methods like append or extend as well as assignment operators will trigger this hook with the new length that the list would have after the operation.

If the hook raises an exception, the operation is aborted and the list is left unchanged.

from valtypes.type.list import LengthHook
from valtypes.error.parsing import Base as ParsingError

class WithEvenLength(LengthHook[int]):
    def __length_hook__(self, new_length: int) -> None:
        if new_length % 2:
            raise ParsingError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} can't have odd length")

l = WithEvenLength([1, 2, 3, 4])
l.extend([5, 6])  # passes
del l[:2]  # passes

    l.pop()  # raises ParsingError
    # because the list would have odd length after this operation
except ParsingError:
    # thus, the list is not modified
    print(l)  # [3, 4, 5, 6]


Type for representing a list that has a given minimum length. The minimum allowed length is stored in the __minimum_length__ attribute.

from typing import TypeVar

from valtypes.type.list import MinimumLength

T = TypeVar("T")

class AtLeastTwoElements(MinimumLength[T]):
    __minimum_length__ = 2

l = AtLeastTwoElements([1, 2])  # passes
l[:] = [3, 4]  # passes
l.clear()  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.sized.MinimumLength


Type for representing a list that has a given maximum length. The maximum allowed length is stored in the __maximum_length__ attribute.

from typing import TypeVar

from valtypes.type.list import MaximumLength

T = TypeVar("T")

class AtMostTwoElements(MaximumLength[T]):
    __maximum_length__ = 2

l = AtMostTwoElements()  # passes
l.extend([1, 2])  # passes
l.append(3)  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.sized.MaximumLength


Type for representing a non-empty list. It is a subclass of MinimumLength with __minimum_length__ set to 1.

from valtypes.type.list import NonEmpty

l = NonEmpty([1])  # passes
l.pop()  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.sized.MinimumLength