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These abstract types are mixins that are used to create constrained sized types.


Type with special __length_hook__ method which is called whenever the length of an object is going to change.

Implementation methods that are changing the length of an object should call this hook with the new length that the object would have after the operation.

from typing import Generic, TypeVar
from import Iterable

from valtypes.type.sized import LengthHook
from valtypes.error.parsing import Base as ParsingError

T = TypeVar("T")

class MyList(LengthHook, Generic[T]):
    def __init__(self, items: Iterable[T]):
        self._items = list(items)

    def add(self, item: T) -> None:
        self.__length_hook__(len(self) + 1)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self._items)

class MyListWithEvenLength(MyList[T]):
    def __length_hook__(self, new_length: int) -> None:
        if new_length % 2:
            raise ParsingError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} can't have odd length")

l = MyListWithEvenLength([1, 2])  # passes
l.add(3)  # raises ParsingError

There are also some shortcuts for common cases:

  • __notify_length_delta__: takes the delta of the length and calls __length_hook__ with the current length + delta.
  • __notify_length_increments__: calls __length_hook__ with the current length + 1.
  • __notify_length_decrements__: calls __length_hook__ with the current length - 1.

So, MyList can be rewritten as:

class MyList(LengthHook, Generic[T]):
    def __init__(self, items: Iterable[T]):
        self._items = list(items)

    def add(self, item: T) -> None:

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self._items)


Type for representing an object that has a given minimum length. The minimum allowed length is stored in the __minimum_length__ attribute.

Example of creating a new abstract class and combining it with previously created MyList class:

from abc import ABC

from valtypes.type.sized import MinimumLength

class AtLeastTwoElements(MinimumLength, ABC):
    __minimum_length__ = 2

class MyListWithAtLeastTwoElements(MyList[T], AtLeastTwoElements):

MyListWithAtLeastTwoElements([1, 2])  # passes
MyListWithAtLeastTwoElements([1])  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.sized.MinimumLength


Type for representing an object that has a given maximum length. The maximum allowed length is stored in the __maximum_length__ attribute.

Example of creating a new abstract class and combining it with previously created MyList class:

from abc import ABC

from valtypes.type.sized import MaximumLength

class AtMostTwoElements(MaximumLength, ABC):
    __maximum_length__ = 2

class MyListWithAtMostTwoElements(MyList[T], AtMostTwoElements):

MyListWithAtMostTwoElements([1, 2])  # passes
MyListWithAtMostTwoElements([1, 2, 3])  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.sized.MaximumLength