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These types are subclasses of built-in float type with some constraints on it.


Type with special __init_hook__ method which is called on instantiation. It can be used to perform some additional checks on the value.

from valtypes.type.float import InitHook
from valtypes.error.parsing import Base as ParsingError

class MultipleOf3(InitHook):
    def __init_hook__(self) -> None:
        if self % 3:
            raise ParsingError(f"{self} is not a multiple of 3")

MultipleOf3(3.)  # passes
MultipleOf3(4.)  # raises ParsingError


Type for representing a float that is less than a given maximum. The maximum allowed value is stored in the __exclusive_maximum__ attribute.

from valtypes.type.float import ExclusiveMaximum

class LessThanTen(ExclusiveMaximum):
    __exclusive_maximum__ = 10.

LessThanTen(9.9)  # passes
LessThanTen(10.)  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.numeric.ExclusiveMaximum


Type for representing a float that is less than or equal to a given maximum. The maximum allowed value is stored in the __maximum__ attribute.

from valtypes.type.float import Maximum

class LessEqualsTen(Maximum):
    __maximum__ = 10.

LessEqualsTen(9.9)  # passes
LessEqualsTen(10.)  # passes
LessEqualsTen(10.1)  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.numeric.Maximum


Type for representing a float that is greater than a given minimum. The minimum allowed value is stored in the __exclusive_minimum__ attribute.

from valtypes.type.float import ExclusiveMinimum

class GreaterThanTen(ExclusiveMinimum):
    __exclusive_minimum__ = 10.

GreaterThanTen(10.1)  # passes
GreaterThanTen(10.)  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.numeric.ExclusiveMinimum


Type for representing a float that is greater than or equal to a given minimum. The minimum allowed value is stored in the __minimum__ attribute.

from valtypes.type.float import Minimum

class GreaterEqualsTen(Minimum):
    __minimum__ = 10.

GreaterEqualsTen(10.1)  # passes
GreaterEqualsTen(10.)  # passes
GreaterEqualsTen(9.9)  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.numeric.Minimum


Type for representing a positive float. It is a subclass of ExclusiveMinimum with __exclusive_minimum__ set to 0.

from valtypes.type.float import Positive

Positive(1.)  # passes
Positive(0.)  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.numeric.Minimum


Type for representing a non-positive float. It is a subclass of Maximum with __maximum__ set to 0.

from valtypes.type.float import NonPositive

NonPositive(0.)  # passes
NonPositive(1.)  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.numeric.Maximum


Type for representing a negative float. It is a subclass of ExclusiveMaximum with __exclusive_maximum__ set to 0.

from valtypes.type.float import Negative

Negative(-1.)  # passes
Negative(0.)  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.numeric.Maximum


Type for representing a non-negative float. It is a subclass of Minimum with __minimum__ set to 0.

from valtypes.type.float import NonNegative

NonNegative(0.)  # passes
NonNegative(-1.)  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.numeric.Minimum


Type for representing a float in the range [0, 1]. It is a combination of Minimum with __minimum__ set to 0 and Maximum with __maximum__ set to 1.

from valtypes.type.float import Portion

Portion(0.)  # passes
Portion(1.)  # passes
Portion(-1.)  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.numeric.Minimum
Portion(1.1)  # raises valtypes.error.parsing.type.numeric.Maximum